Friday, January 30, 2009

Spending Spree - Perspective

Scare, then spend, seems to be the government motto in the past year. They tell us the world is falling apart, that only they can fix it, and by the way here's the tab. Let's just remember what happened in 2008:

Government Bailouts of various entities (Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac, AIG, Auto Industry, etc). totaled 1 Trillion 369.9 Billion of your tax dollars. Written out, that looks like $1,369,900,000,000. I can't even enter that number in my calculator!! Click Here for details.

It's working so well to fix the economy that they want to do more of it (see the $800-900 Billion Spending bill that the House passed this week -- details below). If the Stimulus (in reality, Spending) bill passes the Senate next week, we taxpayers are on the hook for spending of 2 Trillion, 269.9 Billion dollars. After all, the goverment's source of income is our tax dollars.
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