Saturday, April 11, 2009

Stimulus Bill at Work?

We are now hearing that President Obama sees signs of optimism from the economy. Could it be a result of the actions of Congress and this Administration, in moving so quickly to pass a huge stimulus bill?

The answer is no....stimulus funds are just now starting to percolate down, with many not slated to be spent until 2010 (and 30% slated to be spent after 2010).
White House officials say the bulk of the money will start hitting the streets later this year and early next, with the goal of spending 70 percent of it by the summer of 2010.
Is it possible that we could be in relatively the same economic position without having spent 800 Billion dollars that we don't have? We will never know.

The good news: some of the delay in spending the funds is because state and local officials must show plans for how they will use the money before they can get it.

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