Sunday, May 24, 2009

Global Warming, Climate Change, etc.

Here is some climate change logic for you...

Assume that there really is "global warming" or some kind of catastrophic climate change (even though the climate has changed many times over the millenia).

Then assume that this climate change is primarily cause by humans and our carbon emissions (even though there is evidence to the contrary on this point).

Even if you agree with those two assumptions, our government is not behaving rationally as it tries to "fix" global warming by forcing Americans to "reduce our carbon emissions." Why?

Because China, India and other developing countries will not impose restrictions on their carbon emissions, and they have high levels of emissions!! So we could cut our emissions to almost zero (and we would all be farming and living in poverty to do so) and it still would not "fix" global warming (in 2006 the U.S. emitted 20% of the world total, with China emitting 21%).

The Administration and its Congressional allies are trying to impose a significant carbon price in the U.S. through something like the Waxman-Markey bill, while entering an international negotiation process in which as much as 60% of global carbon emissions could face little to no carbon price. The likely outcome would dramatically tilt the global economic playing field, harming U.S. workers and firms relative to their counterparts in China and India. At the same time, it would make little progress toward addressing the risk of severe global climate change, as a large portion of global carbon emissions would remain effectively uncapped.

From an American standpoint this seems extremely unwise. It is an incomplete climate change strategy, with a hole about how to deal with China, India, and other large developing nations. (emphasis added)

This is from a very interesting and readable article...check it out.

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