Thursday, February 4, 2010

Health Care Reform Still Lives

Even though most Americans don't want either version of the Health Care Reform bills passed by the House and Senate last year, they are still trying to figure out a way to pass it. But, they don't want to take out the "backroom deals" that were used to get certain Senators and Representatives to vote for the bill!! Here is a short list of some of the deals that are still in play (and remember, when they give money to one group or state, the rest of us have to make up the difference):A $300 million dollar deal for Louisiana to pay for their Medicaid costs
  • Exempting Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan from a 40 percent tax on insurers that provide expensive health plans (other insurance companies are not exempt, and any insurance company in any state except Michigan is not exempt)
  • An extra $500 million for Medicaid funding in Massachusetts
  • An extra $600 million for Medicaid funding in Vermont
These are just the most egregious ones....there are many other provisions that are in the 2000+ page bills. One of my favorites is "an item that allows people who have been exposed to asbestos from a vermiculite mine in Libby, Mont., to receive Medicare assistance." Glad we have Federal laws to handle Libby, Montana!!

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