There was a peaceful crowd of 4,000-5,000 and several nonpartisan speakers. There was a wide cross section of people there - old and young, blue collar and white collar.
People were very concerned with both the rate of spending our government has embarked on and the government intrusion and control that seems to expand daily.
I also attended a Tea Party rally in Monroe, MI on April 15th and am proud of it! It is amazing to me how many people really have missed the meaning behind the protests. I have read on the web and heard on the television about how those of us who are protesting are so stupid and have no clue how the government works! I do feel very sorry for those people, because if the wasteful government spending does not stop soon, they will be the ones crying a few years down the line when all this spending that is being done now will have to start being paid back! Where do they think all of this money is going to be coming from?! I have heard so many comments from the uninformed, misinformed, or downright obstinate people about how we are protesting because we don't want to pay taxes. That is so one said that we want to abolish taxes completely...we just don't want to take on the extra taxes that are going to be imposed as a necessity due to the outrageous spending that is being allowed now! We want our legislators to READ the bills before they vote on them, and not just the first pages! We want our constitutional rights preserved, we want government to stay within the boundaries that were set up for them, we want our children and grandchildren to be able to experience a life of freedom and independence that so many of our forefathers, fathers and children have fought for over the past centuries. That is what I am protesting for, how about you?!
Well said!! It's pretty obvious at this point that we will have to continue working hard to get our message and concerns out without having them distorted.
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