Thursday, February 5, 2009

Am I the Only Fool Paying My Taxes?

Cabinet nominees: First Tim Geithner (who was confirmed), then Tom Daschle and Nancy Killefer (both of whom withdrew their nominations) have problems paying their taxes (see earlier post for details)...

Now Hilda Solis, President Obama's nominee for Labor Secretary, is under scrutiny both for ties to a pro-labor lobbying organization and for her husband's outstanding tax liens ($6400 which he paid yesterday). In fairness to Ms. Solis, these were her husband's tax debts from his business.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yet again, another clear example of how one sided our media is. Only blurbs have been said about the tax evasion in President O-*cough*- nominations. They should be screaming at how HILARIOUS and ironic that most of his nominations can't even pay their taxes. Yes, such a wonderful change he has brought us!!! Let's put more criminals in office!!!!! I vote for the serial killers to run for the Senate next year. And P-Diddy for the Secretary of Defense.


I bet this man could get away with murder and the media would just say "On a side not, President Obama killed a man in cold blood today. Thank you for watching ABC nightly news. Good night."

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