Sunday, February 22, 2009

TAX Time is Upon Us...

February 15th was the deadline for institutions to provide you the information you need to prepare and file your taxes. Here are a couple of items that you may find helpful.

Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program

The VITA Program offers free tax help to low- to moderate-income (generally, $42,000 and below) people who cannot prepare their own tax returns.

Early Tax Refund Loans - BEWARE!

Tax return preparers will offer you the ability to receive your "refund" immediately to within 3 days. These are generally not in your best interests.

First of all, the fact that you are receiving a "refund" means that you overpaid your taxes during the year, and provided Uncle Sam an interest-free loan!

Second, it usually takes just a couple of weeks for you to receive your refund (if you file electronically). So why pay the exorbitant annualized interest rates that you are charged for an "early tax refund" of your taxes which you have already overpaid!?

Of course, there may be cases where you really need the money immediately and can't borrow from friends/family. Just be informed/aware of what you are doing.

PS. Clark Howard provides consumer advice on how to save money and avoid scams. He has a syndicated radio-show and has recently added TV. You might want to check him out.

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