Thursday, March 5, 2009

Congress Gives Itself 11% More in Budget

After getting a raise in salary last month, Congress has also put in the 2009 Omnibus Spending Bill an 11% increase in spending on itself (from $3.97 Billion to $4.4 Billion). Inflation has been 0-1%.

This will go for things like pay increases for staff, special expense accounts, renovations to meeting rooms, and new Capitol Visitor Center, capitol infrastructure improvements, etc.

Some of these things may be necessary, but an 11% increase isn't the belt-tightening that we are told our leaders are doing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Talk about a lapse of conscience! In this day and age, with everyone losing their jobs, homes and savings, it really takes alot of guts for people that we call our "leaders" to increase their salaries! What ever happened to "humble leadership" where those in power led by example?!

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