Thursday, March 5, 2009

An Earmark by Any Other Name.....

President Obama campaigned on ending earmarks. He is getting ready to sign the $410 Billion Omnibus Bill (see earlier post) with 8500 earmarks totaling $7.7 Billion.

And in the stimulus bill that was passed a few weeks ago, there were no "formal" earmarks -- they just made items so specific that only one location or one company could fulfill them (not technically an earmark, but with the same result). Look forward to much more of this as Congress spends your money while telling you they aren't spending money on earmarks.

While most earmarks are for small amounts (millions as opposed to trillions) they all add up, and they are often a waste of taxpayer's money.


Anonymous said...

What happened to the campaign promise of "cutting government spending"? It seems to me that we have committed to spending drastically more money in the first days of Obama's presidency than I can get a handle on...I don't even know how many zeros to put behind the ever-growing deficit!!!

Anonymous said...

What happened to the campaign promise of "cutting government spending"? It seems to me that we have committed to spending drastically more money in the first days of Obama's presidency than I can get a handle on...I don't even know how many zeros to put behind the ever-growing deficit!!!

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