Sunday, March 15, 2009

Congress Keeps Automatic Pay Raises

Congress defeated an amendment last week that would have ended the automatic pay raises that Congress gets.

The automated pay raise was implemented in 1989 so that Congress doesn't have to vote to raise their own pay, which can be politically unpopular.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is regarding the amendment that was shot down last week regarding the automatic pay raises for Congress. I am appalled and frustrated that the majority of the country is having to take pay cuts, lose jobs and try to readjust their economic situation while Congress seems to feel that they are not morally and economically responsible to do the same! What ever happened to humble leadership??? I think that it would be refreshing to see these government officials tightening their bootstraps along with the rest of us. They are part of this country also and, in turn, should be demonstrating the same economic responsibility the rest of us are feeling. It is not just the "non-governmentally employed" Americans that should be feeling the crunch of this, but also the leaders that could have, and should have, dealt with these issues prior to it leading to the state of chaos that our country is now dealing with!!

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