Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Culture of Corruption

All too often, Congressmen accept donations from those organizations whom they are supposed to regulate. Here is one example - Senator Chris Dodd (D-Conn.), who is also being investigated for getting sweetheart mortgage deals from Countrywide Financial.....this is from a Connecticut newspaper:

Let's take our own U.S. Sen. Christopher J. Dodd as a prime example. As a ranking member of the all-important U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs between 2003 and 2008, Dodd accepted donations from the nearly defunct insurance giant American International Group totaling nearly $225,000. In 2008, while we looked to him to represent our best interests, he received $157,194 from a now-quasi-nationalized Citigroup Inc., part of his total annual take of $854,200 from all TARP recipients, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. (emphasis added)

How can he truly represent his constituents' best interests when he is accepting vast sums of money from organizations that the government has assisted through the infusion of federal tax dollars? While legal, an objective observer should question the judgment and ethics of our state's senior senator.

Read the whole thing for more troubling activities by Dodd.

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