Saturday, March 7, 2009

News You Can Use

In January, a lot of Mastercard and Visa users were hacked....Heartland Payment systems processes MC and Visa payments for restaurants, retailers and others and their system was hacked in January.

So be sure to check your credit card statements for any charges you may not have made....your liability is zero if you didn't make the charge. Same with debit card charges, although if they hacked your account your money is gone and you will have to fight to get it back.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I checked my credit card, and noticed that my card was charged $3.05 from Platinum One Marketing Group. I know the amount is minimal, but allowing this to go through will allow other charges to go through that I have not authorized! I contacted my bank, the National Fraud Hotline and my Attorney General's offce. In this day and age, it is imperative that we constantly monitor what is being done with our personal information!!!

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